1,081-1,140 of 4,211
Politicizing Ecology - Beyond Technocracy and Constant Growth
For some decades now the human civilization has embarked on a journey to rapidly extract whatever resource it can from the planet as to maintain its current predominant doctrine — unlimited economic growth. There are, as one could imagine, dire consequences resulting from...
Why the Handmaid’s Tale Has 100% on Rotten Tomatoes in Trump's America
Maybe it’s because we’re starting to see bits of Gilead all around us.
On the Wildness of Children: The Revolution Will Not Take Place In The Classroom
“In Wildness is the preservation of the World.” Thoreau says it in “Walking,” and Jack Turner, in his exquisite collection of essays, The Abstract Wild,  questions how many of us have any idea what it means.   P
Sometimes We Must Change the Variables of Our Equation
Doing the 'right thing' in life is super important. Miss a few car payments at eighteen, and those rates will jump. Overdraft by two dollars, a barely-working monthly budget becomes screwed by bank fees. Drive your car without affording proper maintenance, and your life (or...
Challenging Christian Hegemony: The Doctrine of Discovery, Manifest Destiny, and American Exceptionalism
And God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.[1] We live on the Earth as...
Why Our Imagination for Alien Life Is so Impoverished
It astonishes me how much we seem to know about aliens. They build technology-driven civilisations and pilot spaceships across the galaxy. They create energy-harvesting structures around their stars. They beam interstellar greetings to us. We cannot be sure that, when our own...
Trump Is the Symptom, Not the Disease
The persecution of Mumia Abu-Jamal, MOVE members and all the radicals of four decades ago is not ancient history. It is the genesis of the present.
Terror Is in the Eye of the Beholder
How Americans remember (and forget) their wars
An Appeal for a Creative Nonviolence
I was around 14 when I heard about Concentration Camps for the first time. 
We Don't Need Them
But the proles, if only they could somehow become conscious of their own strength, would have no reason to conspire.  They needed only to rise up and shake themselves, like a horse shaking off flies. If they chose, they could blow the party to pieces tomorrow morning. ...
Ditch the “Animal Farm” Mentality to Break the Cycle of Fascism
As we resist Trump policies, try less fighting and speaking and doing to get “our” way and a lot more sitting and listening and questioning and being still.
This 2-Part Primer Will Help You Think Like an Unschooler
Many of us have difficulty explaining the concept of unschooling, life learning, or self-directed learning to those who are unfamiliar with it.  In an attempt to help unschoolers communicate their way of looking at things to the wider community, we have come up with the...
Towards a Perspective on Eliminating Racism: 12 Working Assumptions
Because racism is both institutional and attitudinal, effective strategies against it must recognize this dual character. The elimination of institutionalized racism requires a conscious project of attitudinal transformation. The deliberate attempt to transform racist...
I Promise, It's Not Lame to Ask a Woman for Permission
Six years ago, Dave Booda was accused of rape. He didn't defend himself - instead, here's what happened.
Basic Income Isn’t Just a Nice Idea. It's a Birthright
A basic income could defeat the scarcity mindset, instill a sense of solidarity and even ease the anxieties that gave us Brexit and Trump
The "Dark Ads" Election: How Are Political Parties Targeting You on Facebook?
The Facebook election battle is in full swing, the Bureau can reveal, with at least 68 different types of political adverts tailored to individual social media users being paid for by the three main parties in the last month. The Bureau has been given access to the first...
Community Repair: Pop-Up Alternatives to a Throwaway Society
A not-so-quiet repair revolution is taking place in communities across Britain. Consumers, fed up with having to throw away broken phones, toasters and other appliances, are instead meeting to learn how to repair them and to extend the lifetime of their products. These repair...
'An Idea Whose Time Has Come': Lawmakers Roll Out Plan to Expand Worker Ownership
'Giving workers a seat at the table and their fair share of the profits they help produce is one way to even up the playing field and give hardworking Americans a chance to create an economy that works for everyone'
Fear Is One of the Greatest Problems in Life
Before we go any further I would like to ask you what is your fundamental, lasting interest in life? Putting all oblique answers aside and dealing with this question directly and honestly, what would you answer? Do you know?
Trump Will Likely Win Reelection in 2020
Most Americans don’t like Trump.
What Do You Think It Means to Be Utterly and Totally Free?
None of the agonies of suppression, nor the brutal discipline of conforming to a pattern has led to truth. To come upon truth the mind must be completely free, without a spot of distortion.
Relationships Based on Images Can Never Bring Lasting Peace, Yet Our Whole Society Is Built on Images
Relationship between human beings is based on the image-forming, defensive mechanism. In all our relationships each one of us builds an image about the other and these two images have relationship, not the human beings themselves. The wife has an image about the husband ...
How Taxpayer Money Provides the Research for Big Pharma
Public money and public universities boost Big Pharma’s profits, so shouldn’t the public be able to afford the drugs?
Killing the Things We Love
The increasingly unscrupulous propaganda machine of radical corporate capitalism is warping our humanity and driving us to destroy what is closest to our hearts, says clinical psychologist John F Schumaker. The last hope of defeating this evil might lie in the strategic use...
Hacking Apartheid - Cryptography Tools for Activists
“Cryptography is the ultimate form of nonviolent direct action.” - Julian Assange
No One Is Coming to Save You, Comrade.
No one is coming to save you, Comrade.
Big Pharma's Pollution Is Creating Deadly Superbugs While the World Looks the Other Way
Environmental standards do not feature in international regulations governing drug production
Why Did I Name It “Dear White People?”
“I have a problem with your title, like…why do you feel the need to tell black stories for white audiences and not for your own community?” A young black man in the front row wanted to know, his arms folded, as if he’d come to ask that question and promptly leave before my...
'God Have Mercy on Your Souls': GOP Passes Cruel, Destructive Trumpcare Bill
'By rushing this bill through Congress, Republicans are creating a manufactured crisis that will devastate millions of families'
Four Signs You Have High Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence can mean the difference between behaving in a socially acceptable way and being considered to be way out of line. While most people will have heard of emotional intelligence, not many people really know how to spot it – in themselves or in others.
Is Trump Really President?
These are strange times in American politics. And stranger still is the emerging character of the Trump presidency. Events are appearing with growing frequency, raising the question who is really running the White House and the US government? Is Trump really the President?
The Regenerative Design (R)Evolution
A new generation of designers are applying ecologically inspired design to agriculture, architecture, community planning, cities, enterprises, economics and ecosystem regeneration. Join them to co-create diverse regenerative cultures in the transition towards a regenerative...
Nikola Tesla's Visions of the Future
The ONE secret that Nikola Tesla wrested from nature on that fateful day in a Budapest park was the design for his most famous and important invention: the Alternating Current Induction Motor. Before Tesla’s breakthrough, all electricity and motors used a direct current...
15 Things We Can Do to End Police Brutality & Reform Our Broken Criminal Justice System
Here are 4 excellent articles about how to end police brutality and reform our broken criminal justice system. Together they offer a holistic and comprehensive approach that should get us well on our way towards the more just and egalitarian world we all long for. The key is...
4 Not-So-Easy Ways to Dismantle Racism in the Food System
Our food system is built on stolen land and exploited labor. Here’s what we can do it fix it.
Pressed Into Silence: West Papua, Indonesia and World Press Freedom Day
As Indonesia hosts World Press Freedom Day, accusations of hypocrisy are growing louder. The Indonesian government is notorious for restricting journalism within the occupied territory of West Papua – something that West Papuan journalist Victor Mambor and Cyril Payen of...
Most Colleges Prepare Us For a Future That Feels Wrong. Wouldn't It Be Amazing If Alternatives Were Widely Flourishing?
When I graduated from high school in 1985, college was the unquestionable next step for an intelligent, middle-class or upper-middle class young person. I entered an elite school not out of any particular ambition, but because the story that surrounded me said that this is...
How Racial Disparity Does Not Help Make Sense of Patterns of Police Violence
Some readers will know that I’ve contended that, despite its proponents’ assertions, antiracism is not a different sort of egalitarian alternative to a class politics but is a class politics itself: the politics of a strain of the professional-managerial class whose worldview...
Can Bill Nye – or any other science show – really save the world?
Netflix’s new talk show, “Bill Nye Saves the World,” debuted the night before people around the world joined together to demonstrate and March for Science. Many have lauded the timing and relevance of the show, featuring the famous “Science Guy” as its host, because it aims...
Radical Hope: Life During the Climate Apocalypse
Global organizer Joshua Kahn Russell on the shifting terrain of climate justice, the need for spiritual perspective in the movement, and learning to love contradiction in the age of Bernie and Trump.
What Does It Take for Activists to Get Your Attention?
For major protests today, it is standard to have a media strategy. For example, there can be individuals assigned to media liaison. The location and timing of an action can be chosen with an eye toward media schedules. Some actions are designed specifically to attract media...
The Reign of Idiots
Donald Trump. King of the horrifingly dumb and dangerously greedy.
DNC Admits They Are Under No Obligation to Offer Real Party Primaries
Well that didn’t take much. After all the time and effort that those of us in the alternative media have been pouring into our attempts to show people that democracy does not exist in America, the political establishment has stepped forward and admitted it candidly with its...
Taboo - The East India Company and The True Horrors of Empire
“When you left London the East India Company was a trading company,” Tom Hardy’s troubled anti-hero James Delaney is warned in the second episode of the BBC’s prime-time drama Taboo. “Now it is God Almighty.” Discussing the show before it aired, writer Stephen Knight referred...
Chimps Could Soon Win Legal Personhood
Rights for many intelligent animals could hinge on a one-word edit in a law dictionary.
Limits to Growth: Policies to Steer the Economy Away from Disaster
If the rich nations in the world keep growing their economies by 2% each year and by 2050 the poorest nations catch up, the global economy of more than 9 billion people will be around 15 times larger than it is now, in terms of gross domestic product (GDP). If the global...
Wendell Berry: 17 Rules for a Sustainable Local Community
How can a sustainable local community (which is to say a sustainable local economy) function? I am going to suggest a set of rules that I think such a community would have to follow. I hasten to say that I do not understand these rules as predictions; I am not interested in...
Transforming Capitalism: 7 Acupuncture Points
After a year of disheartening setbacks, many activists and change-makers may feel that the critical goal of transforming capitalism is slipping out of reach. Yet, having just returned from a four-week trip to many sites and gatherings working on social, economic, and...
Protests Feed What They Oppose
A “memetic” observation about all the resistance marches since Trump took office… the protests feed what they oppose. There is a finite amount of emotional energy available in the world — the aggregate of all things that people are thinking about and acting on in any...
Morning Star Rising
After 54 years of struggle under Indonesian rule, is freedom finally in sight for West Papua? Danny Chivers investigates.
It’s Time for a National $15 Minimum Wage
It has been 10 long years since Congress passed legislation to raise the minimum wage. It’s time to raise it for all Americans.
Aid in Reverse: How Poor Countries Develop Rich Countries
New research shows that developing countries send trillions of dollars more to the west than the other way around. Why?
Five Ways the Meat on Your Plate Is Killing the Planet
When we hear about the horrors of industrial livestock farming – the pollution, the waste, the miserable lives of billions of animals – it is hard not to feel a twinge of guilt and conclude that we should eat less meat.
A New Browser Plug-In Lets You Access Millions of Scientific Papers for Free
Unpaywall is a web browser plug-in that brings free information to those who seek facts. The open-source service is disrupting traditional publishing by giving users access to peer-reviewed journal articles for free, and it's all totally legal.
How to Hug the Man That Killed Your Wife
Today, the man that 
The Main Issue in the French Presidential Election: National Sovereignty
The 2017 French Presidential election marks a profound change in European political alignments. There is an ongoing shift from the traditional left-right rivalry to opposition between globalization, in the form of the European Union (EU), and national sovereignty. Standard...
Should We Bomb Syria (Or Afghanistan or Anywhere)? You’re Asking the Wrong Question
Critics of nonviolence say that option is the prerogative of the privileged. But actually it’s the other way around.
Arkansas Carries Out Double Execution Despite Concern Over 'Inhumane' Killing
'The sentences of Jack Jones and Marcel Williams are another heinous example of how the death penalty is applied to people with severe mental impairments and history of abuse'
Defend the Sacred: How Could the Peace Movement Prevail?
The fight for Standing Rock is over, at least for now. With the help of Donald Trump and the banks, the oil industry has imposed its agenda. The construction of the pipeline has been completed. Our prayers are with that handful of people who are still there, still standing...