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How to Not Be Offended
There is an ancient and well-kept secret to happiness which the Great Ones have known for centuries. They rarely talk about it, but they use it all the time, and it is fundamental to good mental health. This secret is called The Fine Art of Not Being Offended.
Why Are so Many Adults Today Haunted by Trauma?
Our political and social systems don't support fundamental human needs, says Gabor Mate—which affects our ability to deal with traumatic events.
Imperialists in Congress Unite! No Gridlock for Sanctions and War
The U.S. Congress does not suffer from endless gridlock as some of the banal liberal pundits and commentators moan about.
Is Property Destruction an Effective Tactic? The Suffragette Movement Reveals Important Lessons for Today
“Suffragette” tells a gripping story drawn from the direct action wing of Britain’s woman suffrage movement. Because it spotlights one tactic – property destruction – the film raises the question of effectiveness. Leader Emmeline Pankhurst’s argument for escalating with arson...
A Manual for a New Era of Direct Action
Movement manuals can be useful. Marty Oppenheimer and I found that out in 1964 when civil rights leaders were too busy to write a manual but wanted one. We wrote “A Manual for Direct Action” just in time for Mississippi Freedom Summer. Bayard Rustin wrote the forward. Some...
Are We Doomed? Let’s Have a Talk.
We're not all ready to have the same conversation, but perhaps that's a good place to start
War, Profiteering Push Over 2 Billion to Lack Safe Drinking Water
A new UN report has found that two billion people around the world do not have access to clean drinking water. However, the report covers just a small part of the global population and fails to address the impact that war and corporate profiteering have had on drinking water...
How Seattle Voted to Tax the Rich
Seattle further cemented its reputation as one of the most progressive cities in the U.S. last week, when its City Council passed a law to tax the rich, sponsored by socialist City Councilmember Kshama Sawant along with Councilmember Lisa Herbold. The law places a 2.25% tax...
Pentagon Study Declares American Empire Is ‘Collapsing’
Report demands massive expansion of military-industrial complex to maintain global ‘access to resources’
How My Prejudice Redeemed Me From Believing I Was Essentially Good
The screen froze as yet another announcement crept into the cabin from the overhead speakers and through my headphones. I swore beneath my breath. For the umpteenth time, the captain spoke with that strange in-flight inaudibility and cadence: with muffled, static-beleaguered...
Radical Municipalism: The Future We Deserve
Only a global confederation of rebel cities can lead us out of the death-spiral of neoliberalism towards a new rational society that delivers on the promise of humankind.
America’s Trump, Not Trump’s America
“Our problems stem from our acceptance of this filthy rotten system.” — Dorothy Day Strong words from a brave woman unknown to most Americans because her bravery and boldness didn’t just concern a minority group but all of humanity. She demanded radical change in a system...
123 Subversive Documentaries That Challenge the Status Quo
Now that there are thousands of films on Films For Action, we realized the very best gems have really become buried all across our library, and for people new to this information, we needed a more guided way to dive in. Spread across 15 core themes, this collection aims to be...
Study Calls for Rapid "Negative Emissions" as Scientist Warns "Shit's Hitting the Fan"
New study, led by James Hansen, is meant to bolster climate kids' case against the federal government
Neoliberalism Has Conned Us Into Fighting Climate Change as Individuals
Would you advise someone to flap towels in a burning house? To bring a flyswatter to a gunfight? Yet the counsel we hear on climate change could scarcely be more out of sync with the nature of the crisis.
How Modern Imperialism Creates Famine Around the World
Countries like Yemen, Chad and South Sudan have been devastated by famine and starvation in recent years, with millions of people suffering despite a global surplus of food. But the problem is not a lack of resources - they are starving due to the effects of unending Western...
Jiddu Krishnamurti Teaches Us To Do What We Love and Love What We Do
Jiddu Krishnamurti knew a thing or two about fame. As a 13 year-old boy in India, he was not ‘discovered’ by a record producer or casting agent, but by one of the leaders of the Theosophical Society. The young
Is It Really Not Racist to Oppose Immigration?
In a wide-ranging interview about Britain’s relationship with Europe and the ongoing migration crisis, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, said that people who raise questions about the level of immigration into the UK should not be seen as racist. He said that to be...
Fred Perry, Proud Boys, and the Semiotics of Fashion
Over the past week the Proud Boys, a self-described "Western chauvinist" organization whose members are tired of apologizing for "creating the modern world", have garnered media attention. Along with the disruption of an Aboriginal ceremony in Halifax by Proud Boy servicemen...
The Speech Racists Didn't Want You to Hear
Fox News tried to intimidate Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor from speaking. Now we're printing her words in full.
How Swedes and Norwegians Broke the Power of the ‘1 Percent’
While many of us work to create a better world, it’s worthwhile to consider other countries where masses of people succeeded in nonviolently bringing about a high degree of democracy and economic justice. Sweden and Norway, for example, both experienced a major power shift in...
Marginalized People Don't Need Politeness, They Need Power
There’s an ever-percolating fight happening in left-of-center spaces about the tactics of the “call out” and shaming culture. This fight is rarely productive. Critics of those tactics argue they are counterproductive; defenders counter that these critics are really just...
The Problem Isn't Trump, It's the Neoliberal Democrats
Over the Fourth of July weekend, thousands of protesters in dozens of cities across the country turned out to call for the impeachment of President Donald Trump. While I certainly sympathize with the sentiment, if we want to make real change for the better than we need to...
One Graph Shows How Morally Outraged Tweets Stay Within Their Political Bubble
Thousands of people around the world have excitedly made a forceful political point with a well-honed and witty tweet. All it takes is 140 characters to make a pithy argument, and man it feels good to get a few retweets.
On Left Activism: Breaking Up Is Easy, but Sticking Together? That's the Real Test of One's Ideals
There is good reason for people on the left to have divisiveness on their minds. In the news and on social media, the leftists that are shown most often are those that are ranting and raging at each other, calling each other out over this badly-phrased thought or that...
Meet the School That Hates Rules
Most students are told to be seen and not heard. “Democratic schools” offer a refreshing alternative.
Are You Ready to Consider That Capitalism Is the Real Problem?
Before you say no, take a moment to really ask yourself whether it’s the system that’s best suited to build our future society.
Why the US and Britain Are Not Democracies
Surely the United States and Britain are democracies. After all, they have free and fair elections and representative governments; freedom of speech and association means that dissent and demonstrations are tolerated; all citizens are deemed equal before the law; and...
The Pitfalls of Radical Feminism
Fighting capitalism remains the only path toward women’s full liberation.
Nation "Too Broke" for Universal Healthcare to Spend $406 Billion on F-35
There always another $27 billion or lying around, it seems, when Lockheed Martin needs more money for expensive weapons system
Our Obsolescent Economy
The modern 'throwaway culture' was born in response to the needs of industrial capital. To move beyond it, we must rediscover the beauty of repair.
The Equality Effect
Danny Dorling presents evidence that greater equality benefits everyone, rich and poor – and argues that it can offer us all political hope.
Beneath Dramatic G20 Clashes, a Deep Demand for a Better World
Tens of thousands descend on Hamburg, challenging policies put forth by Trump-type nationalists and Europe's neoliberals elites
Facing Psychological Coercion and Manipulation Has Become a Daily Part of Claiming Benefits
Curing unemployment is a growth market for psychologists. Job Centres are becoming medical centres, claimants are becoming patients, and unemployment is being redefined as a psychological disorder.
Why We Need to Democratize Education
Achieving comprehensive social change requires radical alteration of everything, including education. But most of the attempts to reform the educational system are limited. What is needed is a democratization of education through the introduction of alternative egalitarian...
White Purity and The Problem with White Privilege Activism
Among other things, whiteness is a kind of solipsism. From right to left, whites consistently and successfully reroute every political discussion to their identity. The content of this identity, unsurprisingly, is left unexamined and undefined. It is the false foundation of...
How to Create Democratic and Ecological Cities
For the past few months we have published a series of posts on New Compass introducing social ecology, discussing possible future environmental scenarios, studying the crisis of capitali
A Marxist Critique of Identity Politics
A Q&A with Asad Haider, founding editor of Viewpoint Magazine, on an ideology fracturing the left.
The NFL Can’t Handle the Political Radicalism of Colin Kaepernick
By directly challenging white supremacy, racism and imperialism, Colin Kaepernick is making himself a household name for all the right reasons. And the NFL, its billionaire owners and the corporate errand boys of sports journalism simply cannot stand it.
Why We Should Stop Using the Word "Activist"
Contesting power isn’t a hobby or a subculture—it’s a collective project pervading all facets of our lives.
Documents Expose How Hollywood Promotes War on Behalf of the Pentagon, CIA and NSA
US military intelligence agencies have influenced over 1,800 movies and TV shows
America Celebrates Lateral Transition From Monarchy to Corporatist Oligarchy
Today America celebrates its liberation from the shackles of the British Crown and the beginning of its transition into corporatist oligarchy, which is a lot like celebrating your lateral promotion from housekeeping to laundry staff. Fireworks will be set off, hot dogs will...
Howard Zinn’s July 4 Wisdom Stands the Test of Time
'Is not nationalism—that devotion to a flag, an anthem, a boundary so fierce it engenders mass murder—one of the great evils of our time, along with racism, along with religious hatred?'
How Vast Amounts of Land Have Been Stolen From Black Americans
“It was almost as if the earth was opening up and swallowing Black farmers.”
The Paris Climate Deal Won’t Save Us – Our Future Depends on De-Growth
When Donald Trump pulled the United States out of the Paris climate deal, the world reacted with outrage. And rightly so: the agreement represents a remarkable achievement in international diplomacy – a breakthrough after 20 years of failed climate negotiations. But as we...
Overcoming the Fear of Intimacy: Helpful Advice for the Wounded Heart
“You have to keep breaking your heart until it opens.” ~Rumi
Bay Area Nonprofit Transforms Businesses Into Worker-Owned Cooperatives
There's been a lot of talk about where the Baby Boomer generation will live as they age. Several interesting, sharing-based housing alternatives such cohousing and senior villages have emerged as potential options. But what about all the businesses that Baby Boomers own? What...
We All Suffer in This Love-Desert Society That We've Created - Is There an Alternative?
Presently, most of the people in our culture believe that competition, possessiveness, and jealousy are all acceptable responses when we love someone. But is this really true, independent of culture or custom?
Ending Racism Requires Us to Take Up Class Struggle, To Shift the Material Conditions That Gives Race Practical Meaning
Pierre Fulton was black. He was poor. He had struggled his entire life. He had been in trouble with the law as a youth. Armed robbery, drug distribution, and gun possession were all on his record. It was now 2015 and Pierre was thirty. He had turned his life around. He got a...
The Muslim Tradition of Sci-Fi and Speculative Fiction
Think invisible men, time travel, flying machines and journeys to other planets are the product of the European or ‘Western’ imagination? Open One Thousand and One Nights – a collection of folk tales compiled during the Islamic Golden Age, from the 8th to the 13th centuries...
Supreme Court Partially Lifts Block on Trump's 'Bigoted' Travel Ban
"We'll be ready," said the ACLU in response to the announcement
5 Times Orange Is the New Black Gets It Right on Prisoner Rights
Out of the ashes of burning Cheetos, the new season offers lessons in democracy, compassion, and humanity.
How a Global Network of Fearless Cities Is Making Racist Colonial Nation States Obsolete
Introducing a Global Network of Municipalist Cities
Organizing in 'Small Town USA'
On March 8, a crowd of over 50 protesters in Geneva, New York, (population 13,261) occupied the office of Republican Congressman Tom Reed. The occupation was part of a women’s strike organized in connection with International Women’s Day by the Geneva Women’s Assembly.
The Trap of Righteousness
The way you see people is the way you treat them, and the way you treat them is what they become. —Goethe
We Don't Have Time to Hate
This sermon was given at the ECM in Lawrence, KS in April 2015. 
Juneteenth: Praise the Lorde, Audre Lorde
Happy father’s day to the fathers, and to our fathers’ fathers, and their fathers’ fathers, and all the way back to Grandfather Sky. Past there to before there were fathers, because all was just ONE.
One Law for the Poor at Grenfell Tower
In austerity Britain, can justice and accountability be served for the victims of the Grenfell fire? Or are our laws already too much shaped to the needs of the business class?
The Fresh Air Fund's Complicated Racial Record
New York City’s Fresh Air Fund has sent city kids, most of them low-income, to suburban and rural neighborhoods for two-week summer vacations for the past 140 years. Originally intended to restore malnourished, sickly and white immigrant children to health, the fund expanded...
Behind the Media Surge Against Bernie Sanders
It’s routine for right-wing outlets like Fox to smear progressive activists under the guise of “news” coverage. But why the New York Times? And why the special venom for Bernie Sanders?