1,141-1,200 of 4,211
The Anarchism of Blackness
The Democratic Party has led Black America down a dead end. The sooner we begin to understand that, the more realistically we will be able to organize against fascism.
Inside Unilever's Sustainability Myth
Unilever is regarded as a champion of sustainability. According to CEO Paul Polman, what benefits the company also benefits the earth. But when US competitor Heinz Kraft tried to take over the company, Unilever changed its short-term strategy. Dutch Investigative journalism...
New Technology Brings Star Wars-Style Desert Moisture Farming a Step Closer
Luke Skywalker wasn’t just a farmer. In the original 1977 Star Wars film, the lead character was desperate to leave his home planet of Tatooine, where his family farmed moisture from the atmosphere using devices called “vaporators”. In the planet’s hot and dry desert...
Communalism: An Alternative to a World in Crisis
As we have entered a new century we face great crises both in society and in the natural world. Today we are not only still witnessing poverty, hunger and devastating wars: enormous environmental dislocations even threaten the stability of the planetary climate and vital...
If Workers Take Power
– Instead of the small class of capitalists controlling society, we can make our own decisions about work and social life.
Decriminalize Immigration, Free Movement for All!
The United States recently experienced its first wave of large-scale anti-immigration raids following the election of Donald Trump, who made the mass deportation of “illegal” immigrants a central part of his campaign. Although ICE officials claim that these raids targeted...
The House of the Nobodies — Where Everyone Is Welcome
La Casa de los Ningunos is an experimental community in the Bolivian capital city of La Paz, 12,000 feet up in the Andes Mountains. In a recent piece on the Casa, Sian Cowman explained the inspiration for the name, which also elegantly describes the Casa’s mission, “…Los...
Overworked? Underpaid?
We’re all feeling the squeeze.  What can we do? ORGANIZE!
Facing up to Our Shadow Side With Compassion
Restorative justice makes real the fact that conflict, pain, suffering and crime are part of all our lives.
We Stand for All Sacred Life on Earth
All that is sacred in this world has become threatened by a pathological cultural system of wealth extraction and hoarding... Awaken and take a stand for life on Earth.
60 Eco-Conscious Documentaries to Honor Mother Earth
Pachamama, our dear Mother Earth, is 4.5 billion years old. She is home to an estimated 8.7 million species of life! This wondrous web of relationships is truly a gift to be a part of, and we can thank our growing and evolving Mother Earth for the eyes and mind we have to...
Gandhi's Top 10 Fundamentals for Changing the World
“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.”
From the Loi Travail to the French Elections
A Retrospective on Social Upheaval in France, 2015-2017
We Need Our Platforms to Be Real Democracies
For most of the last decade, I’ve been a reporter, covering stories on how technology is reshaping public life, from debates about God to protests in the streets. One thing I’ve noticed is that Internet culture has an odd way of using a really important word: democracy. When...
The Western Idea of Private Property Is Flawed. Indigenous Peoples Have It Right
We live in a world dominated by the principle of private property. Once indigenous people were dispossessed of their lands, the land was surveyed, subdivided and sold to the highest bidder. From high above, continents now appear as an endless property patchwork of green and...
Despair Is Not a Strategy: 15 Principles of Hope
If you’re out there trying to change your neighborhood, community, city, country, or the world then this is for you. In moments when everything seems hopeless, read this to get your hope on. 1. Hope can co-exist with other feelings. Grief and hope can co-exist. Fear and hope...
Bringing People Together in “The Age of Loneliness”
It has been said that we’re living through “The Age of Loneliness.” Loneliness is “epidemic” among young adults, and even more common among the elderly, with some reporting that the num
Distress, Status Wars and Immoral Behaviour: The Psychological Impacts of Inequality
It is well known that economic inequality is rising. In most industrialised nations the distribution of wealth and income is becoming increasingly concentrated. In the United States, the top 10% of earners make more than nine times as much on average as the remainder, and in...
Russia-Bashing Helps Wall Street Democrats
National Democrats have used hyperbolic Russia-bashing to shield themselves from blame for Hillary Clinton’s defeat and to block progressives from pulling the party away from Wall Street, writes Norman Solomon.
NYT Mocks Skepticism on Syria-Sarin Claims
The New York Times and other major media have ruled out any further skepticism toward the U.S. government’s claim that Syrian President Assad dropped a sarin bomb on a town in Idlib province, reports Robert Parry.
25 Cheat Sheets for Taking Care of Yourself Like a Damn Adult
Being a well-adjusted human has never been easier.
The Uncurious, Continuing, Stubborn Refusal to Grasp Bernie Sanders
The Democratic establishment and those in the media who support them keep making the same mistakes on Sanders and his movement.
Why V for Vendetta Author Alan Moore Says You Should Support Jeremy Corbyn
As an anarchist, as someone who believes neither in leaders nor the means by which we select them, I’m obviously at something of a disadvantage when it comes to making political endorsements of any kind. That said, I wasn’t born an anarchist.
The Day I Saved My Own Life
CW: description of a suicide attempt   On 19th April 2012, I overdosed whilst living in San Francisco. I had just had a therapy session, in which my and my therapist signed a “suicide contract” — one that said I agreed to calling her if I was feeling like I was going to do...
How to Fund a Universal Basic Income Fairly
A universal basic income (UBI) – an idea in which the government replaces all other forms of monetary assistance (welfare, social security, etc.) with yearly stipend – has enormous potential to radically transform our current unsustainable consumer economy based on individual...
Descartes Was Wrong - A Person Is a Person Through Other Persons
According to Ubuntu philosophy, which has its origins in ancient Africa, a newborn baby is not a person. People are born without ‘ena’, or selfhood, and instead must acquire it through interactions and experiences over time. So the ‘self’/‘other’ distinction that’s axiomatic...
Populism Isn't a Dirty Word - A Genuine Populism of the Left is Long Overdue
Populism sure is getting bad reviews. All manner of evil is getting laid at its door: racism, xenophobia, authoritarianism, jingoism – and that’s just the start. The conventional view is that populism is an irrational and impatient response to modern dilemmas that are best...
Cultural Evolution in the Anthropocene
Where humanity is going, there are no roadmaps. The terrain is unlike anything we’ve seen before. The changes sweeping the Earth right now are literally planetary in scale and so filled with complexity that few among us even have a semblance of knowing what is actually...
Circle of Life - How Doughnut Economics Could Change Everything
By reframing the economy, Kate Raworth’s Doughnut Economics changes our view of who we are and where we stand.
21 Theses for a People's Ecology
The “21 Theses,” dated July 2014 and published in November 2015, marked the birth of the Social Ecology Cooperative in Paris. In May 2016 I had the opportunity to ask Patrick Farbiaz, one of its founders, what the cooperative meant by social ecology. He explained that it...
Ho’oponopono for Earth Day
The Power of Humility, Forgiveness, Gratitude and Love
A “Political” Program for Anarchists
Many anarchists oppose in principle such use of the political process for anarchist ends. It is unethical, they say, for anarchists to participate in the political process. Voting entails selecting a representative to exercise coercive force in our name; and appealing to such...
War and Peace and War: The Untold Story of the Colombian Civil War and the Potential for Genuine Peace
Bogota, Colombia – At the end of last year, the world celebrated what seemed to be the end one of history's longest standing internal wars. Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, who had brokered a peace deal with the guerrillas of the FARC-Ep received the Nobel Peace Prize...
Good Gravy Not Another Bloody Election
As I write, a million words are being typed on the same subject as quickly as fingers can slam downwards, in a quest to shovel something regarding Theresa May’s election plans onto front pages around the world within the next few minutes.
5 Old-Fashioned Ways to Predict the Weather
In an age where the weather app is a tap away, we don’t need to look far for a forecast. But what if you don’t have internet? As you head out into spring, try it the old-fashioned way. Here are five hints from nature to help you decide whether to plan a picnic.
7 Key Concepts for Understanding Anti-Work Theory
1. Work – The constrained performance of some skill (cognitive, emotional, physical etc.) in return for substituting your own ends with an economic reward, or in the ultimate hope of receiving some such reward.
5 Reasons to Build a Network of Small Groups, Rather Than a Mass Movement of Individuals
We’re currently touring through the US, meeting with activists: from urban neighbourhood organisers, to black bloc anarchists, back-to-the-land communalists, and progressive mega-campaigners.
Chris Hedges: The Pandora's Box of War
War opens a Pandora’s box of evils that once unleashed are beyond anyone’s control. The invasion of Afghanistan set out to defeat al-Qaida, and nearly 16 years later, we are embroiled in a losing fight with the Taliban. We believed we could invade Iraq and create a...
The Politics of the Future Must Embrace All That Makes Us Human: Our Anger, Pain, Joy and Love
It’s November 9 2010, and I’m one of many students that have surrounded and taken over the Conservative Party headquarters at Millbank Tower in London. I’m angry, we are all angry, because the government is trying to triple the amount of money we have to pay to learn, develop...
The Mental Limits of War
A Morning Consult poll winks at me from my inbox: 57 percent of Americans support more airstrikes in Syria.
Commander-In-Chief Trump Drops 'Mother of All Bombs' on Afghanistan
Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) said the "unprecedented use of an MOAB...marks a new front in the almost 16 year war in Afghanistan."
Infographic Explains Why It's More Expensive to Be Poor
It defies logic, right? That the poor would pay more for basic life items, essentially ensuring that they stay in the cycle of poverty forever. But people can forget that if you are living paycheck to paycheck, then it often becomes impossible to afford buying more than one...
Radical Democracy: The First Line Against Fascism
The Kurds’ democratic resistance to ISIS demonstrates that anti-fascism cannot be separated from the wider struggle against capitalism, patriarchy and the state.
Whose Truth Is It Anyway?
Swallowing the lies – or ‘alternative facts’ – of populist politicians is having profound consequences. NJ Enfield takes a fresh look at a potent old tradition – and suggests a way forward.
21 Ways to “Give Good No”
Saying “no” can be really hard. But Christine Carter has a three-step plan to get there.
"It's Complicated" - The Great False Argument for War
It’s an argument I’ve seen time and again, as a justification for American military interventionism.  It appears in the news, and it is parroted in conversations.  Sometimes it is followed with a proclamation that we have to do “something”.  A specific and very timely example...
Why Do We Focus on the Gleaming Bombs, Not the Aftermath?
"Perhaps our whole fucked up attitude to war comes from only ever seeing our missiles taking off, only ever seeing our soldiers setting out."
Why Being Against Assad Matters Too
Rally against US imperial intervention, but remember Assad’s crimes and be in solidarity with his victims.
To Attain Freedom, We Must Name The True Root of Our Problems
A letter to the white working class
Without Proof or Cause or Consent, 'Impetuous' Trump Bombs Syria
'The impetuousness of this bombing campaign - its impulsiveness - is stunning even by US war-loving standards'
Use Latest Tragedy in Syria to End the War, Not Escalate It
Four years ago, massive citizen opposition and mobilization stopped a possible U.S. military attack on the Assad government of Syria that many predicted would have made the terrible conflict even worse. Once again, we need to stop an escalation of that dreadful war and...
Donald Trump's War Crimes
Just two and a half months into his presidency, Donald Trump has already distinguished himself as a war criminal. His administration is killing unusually large numbers of civilians, in violation of US and international law.
I Don't Want to Benefit From The Indignity of Others
The following is an excerpt called A Slave World taken from a passage from Sacred Economics.
Self-Esteem Might Boost Our Egos, But Self-Compassion Opens Our Hearts
Unlike self-esteem, the good feelings of self-compassion do not depend on being special and above average, or on meeting ideal goals.
Whirlwinds of Danger
First they came for the Muslims, and we said: “Not this time, motherfuckers!”
Beyond Compost: 5 Ways to Get Your Soil Ready This Spring
The key to a great garden? Good dirt. Here’s how you can grow your own.
The Will Of The People
Populists claim to speak for the people, but, as Dinyar Godrej explains, they rarely do. So what are the options for a true politics of the people?
A Brexit State of Play Summary Like No Other
Brexit Britain is ready to go to war over Gibraltar says Lord Howard, a man I had assumed was dead, even when he was leader of the Tory Party. What could be more indicative of a failure to understand the age of digitalised globalisation than fighting over an actual rock where...
10 Things You Can Do to Resist Hard Brexit
As Article 50 is triggered, here's what you can do to stop Britain's slide to the hard right.
Trump is a Symptom of Corporate Globalization
By redistributing economic and political power from corporate monopolies to millions of small businesses, localization has the power to revitalize the democratic process, re-rooting political power in community.