Articles by Caitlin Johnstone
Empire Managers Explain Why This New Protest Movement Scares Them
Caitlin Johnstone · “We think these things that are happening across college campuses are a sideshow. No, they are the show. If we lose the intellectual debate, you will not be able to deploy any army in the West, ever.” - CEO Alex Karp
Censorship By Algorithm Does Far More Damage Than Conventional Censorship
Caitlin Johnstone · Journalist Jonathan Cook has a new blog post out on his experience with being throttled into invisibility by Silicon Valley algorithmic suppression that will ring all too familiar for any online content creators who’ve been sufficiently...
Five Reasons Why People Defend Police Brutality
Caitlin Johnstone · As protests against police brutality are met with an unceasing barrage of police brutality, the obsequious bootlicking copologia in online discussion forums has been cranked up to eleven. I’ve written a 
‘Anti-Trump’ CNN Presstitute Defends Trump's Persecution of Assange
Caitlin Johnstone · In the endless brain fart cyclone that is the Trump era, CNN White House Correspondent Jim Acosta has made a name for himself posing as a martyr of the free press. While US mass media have made a theatrical WWE performance of Trump’s...
Starvation Sanctions Are Worse Than Overt Warfare
Caitlin Johnstone · “We are putting major additional Sanctions on Iran on Monday,” President Trump tweeted today. “I look forward to the day that Sanctions come off Iran, and they become a productive and prosperous nation again — The sooner the...
How to Beat a Manipulator
Caitlin Johnstone · Humans are hackable. Ask any conman. Our desire to think we have control over our lives often hides this from ourselves, but most of us are highly suggestible and hypnotizable. If you think you’re not, you’re in more danger of being...
Society Is Made of Narrative. Realizing This Is Awakening From the Matrix.
Caitlin Johnstone · In the movie The Matrix, humans are imprisoned in a virtual world by a powerful artificial intelligence system in a dystopian future. What they take to be reality is actually a computer program that has been jacked into their brains to...
Assange Keeps Warning of AI Censorship, and It’s Time We Started Listening
Caitlin Johnstone · Throughout the near entirety of human history, a population’s understanding of what’s going on in the world has been controlled by those in power. The men in charge controlled what the people were told about rival populations, the...
America Celebrates Lateral Transition From Monarchy to Corporatist Oligarchy
Caitlin Johnstone · Today America celebrates its liberation from the shackles of the British Crown and the beginning of its transition into corporatist oligarchy, which is a lot like celebrating your lateral promotion from housekeeping to laundry staff...
The Self-Defeating Concept of “Resistance”
Caitlin Johnstone · Bernie’s been taking more flak than ever from progressive rebels lately, and understandably so — his recent cuddle party with the White Helmets, a
How to Spot a Media Psy-Op
Caitlin Johnstone · The manipulations of the establishment have never been more visible.
In Order to Take Down the Deep State, We Must Collaborate Across Ideological Lines
Caitlin Johnstone · The most important division right now is between the pro-deep state, and the anti-deep state.
DNC Admits They Are Under No Obligation to Offer Real Party Primaries
Caitlin Johnstone · Well that didn’t take much. After all the time and effort that those of us in the alternative media have been pouring into our attempts to show people that democracy does not exist in America, the political establishment has stepped...