May 14, 2016

F*ck the Party Establishment!

What's the point of being a progressive Democrat if you stand with the centre-right party establishment? This is the first and the last time a true champion of the people will come from within the system. Everyone else would just sell us out.
By Saib Bilaval /
F*ck the Party Establishment!
People adore and trust Sanders the most because they knew from the beginning that without them, and without fighting for them, he would never have stood a chance.

The DNC and the Clintons are not just gangs of politicians anymore. They are often the kinds of politicians that are called superpredators. No conscience. No empathy. We can talk about why they ended up that way, but first we have to bring them to heel.

Just yesterday, Democrats and the American public as a whole were greeted to a report by The Hill titled


Guess progressive Democrats ARE for sale!

Brothers and sisters, this should tell us why we need Bernie Sanders, and no one but Bernie Sanders for president. Joe Biden is the man who wrote the CRIME BILL and has been in the camp of the Delaware credit card companies throughout his career. Warren decides to not support Bernie so that she could team up with THIS guy?!

If progressive Democrat leaders really cared about the issues, they'd be behind Bernie Sanders, rather than obstructing the way of a person with more integrity and whose 40 year record destroys theirs, and who wins state after state —  and has a historic level of support from Independents in a way they never could amass. Sanders has fundraised in ways and volumes the likes of which have never been seen before, altogether single-handedly. And most importantly, he stood up each time for working families when they needed standing up for, including the 2016 race, unlike a lot of ”progressives”.

Last year, Hillary was poised to be the inevitable Democratic nominee and NOT ONE of them had a problem with what that meant for working families and the poor? Sherrod Brown went ahead and endorsed not just Hillary, but her fictitious Wall Street 'plan' too!

What is the goddamn point of being a progressive Democrat if you end up standing with the centre-right party establishment? I'm 100% convinced that Elizabeth Warren has her heart in the right place. Unfortunately, I can't say the same thing about her spine.

Only Sanders with his record and integrity and political independence can stand for real change. Young people, Independents, cynics, libertarians and even some Republicans trust him and only him on his platform because he has stayed an Independent throughout his career, and consistent in their eyes, while the Democratic Party has repeatedly betrayed the people in recent decades.

The grip of Wall Street, the Pharma lobby, the military-industrial complex and the fossil fuel lobby have not been challenged for far too long and only one major politician has taken them on at every turn and bend — Bernie Sanders. Martin Luther King was his hero before he even discovered Eugene Debs. And both were the last two great threats to the oligarchy — savaged and harassed by the American state till death. Both of them embodied what is now the most prominent feature of the Vermont Senator — NOT FOR SALE.

The real progressives in the Democratic Party are not Barbara Boxer, Elizabeth Warren, Sherrod Brown, Russ Feingold, Cory Booker, Tammy Baldwin, Al Franken, John Edwards, Howard Dean, Barney Frank, Bill deBlasio or Barack Obama.  Indeed, you would be hard-pressed to find many at all in the Clintonite-infested machinery of the now Third Way-er Democratic Party. For the non-Progressives, the deeper their political or financial loyalties to the Clintons and big corporations and lobbies — the more vociferous and unbending their attacks on Sanders are — and it’s basically a list of who’s who in the DNC: Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Barney Frank, Claire MacCaskill, Barbara Lee, Kirsten Gilibrand, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Howard Dean, Jeanne Shaheen, Maggie Hassan, Ed Rendell, Andrew Cuomo, Rahm Emanuel, Al Sharpton — in short, the establishment generation refuses to budge, or to question their corporate masters. The establishment progressives are strong on LGBT rights, climate change, Social Security, voting rights among other issues….and blaming Republicans solely for everything. Anything past that is where their usefulness lapses. They have never taken on their own party strongly enough, whether it was NAFTA, Welfare Reform, the Crime Bill, the Defense of Marriage Act, the Telecommunications Act, the bailouts, or the repeal of Glass-Steagall.

American history has shown us that real change and real progress only come from the bottom-up: whether we’re talking about women’s right’s, civil rights, LGBT rights, economic rights or workers’ rights. And Citizen’s United, which shattered limits on campaign finance, has shown us two things:

1. People’s struggles are no longer enough to enact progress: Occupy Wall Street, Democracy Spring and Black Lives Matter did not achieve any of their demands, while they did influence the worries of politicians during election-time.

2. Since progress is no longer a viable legislative option, only a Political Revolution can achieve even ordinary progressive demands that a vast majority of the American population support.

Since there is no progress without a Political Revolution, it no longer suffices to simply be a progressive — that is not enough —  one must accept the dire need for a political revolution right here right now to win back our democracy for ordinary people. One has to be a political revolutionary as much as a progressive.

And there are politicians, activists and community organisers who HAVE stood up. People like Nina Turner, Tulsi Gabbard, Paul Kirk (the last DNC chair before the Clintons and the centre-right took over), Jesus Garcia, Zephyr Teachout, Tim Canova, Alex Law, Jumaane Williams, Bill Perkins, Lucy Flores, Raul Grijalva, Keith Ellison, Alan Grayson, Ben Jealous, Erin Bilbray, Kshama Sawant, Jonathan Tasini, Jonathan Jackson, Pramila Jayapal and scores of others have understood and support that, as Nina Turner says,

the cause is right and the time is now

This is the new generation of progressives. Generation not in terms of age but in terms of willingness to do away with the old centre-right status-quo. And Bernie’s army is now running for Congress, primarying the most odious of establishment Democrats such as Pelosi and Wasserman Schultz.

And the millions of young, old, middle-aged, poor, queer, straight, white, minority, old, working-class, middle-class, moderate, liberal, progressive, libertarian, socialist, idealistic, deprived and disenfranchised people who are now well-informed about and hell-bent on destroying the corruption of the political and corporate establishment — will not be pacified by yet another progressive Democrat. They have dined on disappointment for eight years of Obama. They have been there, and they have done that. Sanders has time and time proved himself worthy in the eyes of the very masses he sought to awaken. They now hold standards not a conventional politician in sight can meet.

The youth back Bernie Sanders at a level unprecedented in American history. More of them have voted for Sanders in the primary than have voted for Clinton and Trump combined — and this excludes all the independents who were unable to voted in closed-primaries and those youth (like in Arizona, Florida and New York) who were purged). The future of this country will, in around a decade, be in very decisive hands —what remans to be seen is whether the vehicle will be a third party or the Democratic Party. Bernie Sanders and the millions who support him, believe the Democratic Party’s machinery is worth salvaging, for now.

Citizens, once and for all — please judge your progressives by their loyalties.

Warren’s recent attacks on Donald Trump are basically broad-brush dismissals, things like how his “hatefulness” and “racism” will make sure he will never win. It is nothing substantial. Surface-level insults on Trump don’t work, or else Bill Maher would be polling best against Trump.

There is a reason Wall Street has donated to Hillary Clinton more than they have donated to all the Republican candidates combined. And it’s not because she’s a 

“progressive who gets things done”

For those who think Hillary can beat Trump: he slaughtered 15 Republicans. Why is it so crazy to think he can't take care of one more? 

Bernie Sanders has called Trump an “establishment billionaire”, exposed his “outsider” politics as a cheap posturing. Clinton, Biden or Warren can’t call Trump an insider because they’re more “insider” than he is. Keep in mind the fact that Trump’s “outsiderness”, not his bigotry, is making him win. As long as it is Sanders on the Democratic side, Independents pick him over Trump. Anyone else, and Independents walk over to the Republican side.

People adore and trust Sanders the most because they knew from the beginning that without them, and without fighting for them, he would never have stood a chance. This is something no other Democrat has to offer. And this is what has made Sanders the most powerful Senator in the country, not just the most popular. No other politician in American history has built a volunteer base of 500,000 people without the help of a national party, nor won state after state against the wishes and declared will of so many Democratic Congressmen and Governors. This is the strongest challenge the left has ever mounted in the US. Democrats, PLEASE don’t miss this opportunity. It’s the chance of a lifetime.

It would take any progressive politician 40 years to have HALF the record Sanders does. This is the first and the last time a true champion of the people will come from within the system. Everyone else would just sell us out.

Remember, this election is not about Republicans vs Democrats, or Hillary vs Trump. The real battle is Goldman Sachs vs Bernie Sanders, and the real war is the plutocracy vs the people. This is not about having some other progressive Democrat as President in some years who will pass a couple of welfare measures with the consent of the powers-that-be. This is about snatching democracy back from the bloodstained claws of the financial oligarchy, who have total say over what policy is permissible or not. There is no mistaking the roar of the political revolution. Do NOT let them rig the system and election.

If you really wanna contribute to Hillary just pay your credit card bill, it will get to her eventually - Jimmy Dore

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